Leveraging the Intersection of Customer and Human Capital

We are Building Businesses Better.


Compare your organization to thousands of organizations in our database.  The eNterprise EKG provides your organization’s essential performance information in a comprehensive, sensible, and easy-to-understand format.

Can you define your best customers by key attributes: age, income, recency of purchase, amount of last purchase?  Are you maximizing predictive modeling to create acquisition or cross-sell programs?  Could your marketing programs use a boost of “WOW”?

Is your team a High Performing Team?  Do you have the right people in the right positions?  Are your associates effectively communicating?  What motivates team members to be successful?  Our OrganizationalEKG assesses associates against those in other organizations with the same job function and against teammates for the purpose of building superior teams.

eNtelligy Marketing helps you and your team accomplish business goals by offering comprehensive analytics combined with access to proprietary audience data. We equip you with analytics unlike any other company.  We provide our customers with in-depth analytics for their acquisition, cross-sell and retention marketing efforts.